MaKami College Tech Support

MaKami College Technical Support

Supporting Our Students On-Campus & Remotely

MaKami College is constantly improving their technology to ensure they are able to utilize the best teaching and learning tools for staff and students. Depending on the program, every student is either given a new iPad or a new laptop which are pre-loaded with their school applications and learning materials.

Technical Support is provided on each campus during IT Desk Business Hours (see below).

You can contact IT support directly at the IT Service Desks or by email.

The IT technical support team can also be reached by phone:
Edmonton: 587-401-2453
Calgary: 587-333-8679


The IT Desk Business Hours are:


  • Monday-Thursday: 8AM to 6:30PM
  • Friday & Saturday: 8AM to 4:30PM

In-person Helpdesk (Bonnie Doon and Calgary NE Campuses)

  • Monday: 8AM to 4:30PM
  • Tuesday-Thursday: 8AM to 6:30PM
  • Friday: 8AM to 4:30PM

(In person service outside those hours is available by appointment only. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for appointment bookings.)