A young, mature female early childhood educator with long dark hair sits beside two young female children in an early childcare setting

Early Learning and Child Care Certificate Program Curriculum

MaKami’s Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) certificate courses provide a holistic, inclusive and interculturally responsive curriculum, preparing you to work in a variety of child care settings.

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MaKami College Early Childhood Education Certificate Program Courses

MaKami’s one-year Early Learning and Child Care certificate program places an emphasis on a holistic approach to childhood education, with an inclusive and intercultural curriculum including cultural awareness and Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Our early childhood education courses help prepare graduates to work in a variety of workplaces, and with an increasingly diverse population in Alberta.

Students will work independently and collaboratively to learn the many components of the child care industry, including educational strategies, child development, learning through play, Indigenous knowledge, health, safety and nutrition and holistic lesson planning.

The early childhood education certificate program also includes first aid, WHMIS and food safety training, as well as two practicums, helping make students as room-ready as possible upon graduation.

There are 12 main education and child care courses in the Early Learning and Child Care certificate program:

Course Code

Course Name


EC-EAR 101

Early Learning & Child Care in Alberta
Explore the legislative and historical foundation of the role of early learning and child care in Canada within the context of the current Albertan framework. Focus is placed on defining early learning and child care, the scope of different settings and environments, and local legislation guiding levels of certification. The roles and functions of early childhood educators are examined to establish an understanding of legislative requirements.


EC-IND 102

The History of Indigenous Peoples in a Canadian Context
Indigenous societies have endured significant changes due to the legacy of colonization and assimilation policies in Canada. This legacy will be discussed with the aim of understanding its history by exploring the impact it has had on Indigenous peoples living in Canada. Topics include historical and social issues, terminology, and temporary issues. Through intentional discussion and reflection, you will identify your unconscious cultural biases and values and develop cultural competencies to build positive and respectful relationships. One of the guiding aims of the course is to provide a historical basis for better understanding the challenges among Indigenous peoples arising from colonial assimilation policies.


EC-EAD 103

Early Childhood Development
Explore the major areas of child development. Examine the Early Learning and Child Care Educator’s role in guiding interactions with children, planning and implementing learning activities, observing, and identifying individual needs of children and appreciating how diversity plays a role in all aspects. Appreciate the theories of child development in understanding a child’s disposition to learn.


EC-COM 104

Professional Communication & Relationships in Early Childhood Settings
Professional communication underpins Early Childhood Educators’ relations with co-workers, colleagues, and families. Through realistic scenarios, students explore and practice essential written communication skills, the impact of communication on interactions and apply conflict management skills that will best equip them for a variety of situations and relationships in a professional setting.


EC-CAR 110

Becoming an Early Learning & Child Care Professional
Acquire basic skills needed to present yourself as an ELCC professional in the industry as well as the tools used to create a professional network prior to entering practice. Learners are prepared to enter the workforce by providing them with steps needed to begin the process of applying for positions and going on interviews. Focus is placed on resume building, cover letter writing, interview skills and job search strategies.



Health, Wellness & Safety for Children
Nutrition, health, safety and wellness are critical components of an early learning and child care environment. Explore topics related to wellness, mental health, basic care needs and healthy food preparation while learning to create safe and healthy environments including recognizing and addressing signs of abuse and neglect. Through realistic case scenarios and questions that promote critical thinking, learners will practice applying strategies to ensure that children’s nutrition, health, safety and wellness needs are addressed in an ELCC setting.



Health, Nutrition & Wellness from an Indigenous Perspective
Explore the concepts of health, nutrition and wellness in an Indigenous context. Examine traditional uses of plants as food and medicines in a local context and define holistic health from an Indigenous perspective. Learn about the food systems that have historically sustained Indigenous communities and how these systems have been impacted by colonization. Gain an awareness of the current issues within Indigenous communities related the Child Welfare System of Canada.


EC-APL 191

Practicum I
The first level of the practicum is centered upon observation in an early learning and child care environment. You will choose a daycare, dayhome or preschool and attend during regular work hours to observe the program. You are encouraged to consider your preference for child care settings in selecting your practicum location, be it infant/toddler child care, preschool, family homes or multi-age daycare facilities. During level 1 of your practicum, you will observe the planning schedules of activities, how they are delivered, and the relationships between the ELCC workers and the children. Relationships between coworkers will also be observed, as well as the professional communication between workers and parents. This intro-level practicum focuses primarily on observation, taking notes and learning functions of the child care facility.


EC-LES 121

Lesson Planning for Early Childhood Education
Lesson Planning for Early Childhood Education will address the how and why of planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum. Learn to create effective and manageable lesson plans that include diverse teaching strategies for learners aged 3-8. Gain an understanding of how to best plan for early learner development while implementing successful teaching strategies.


EC-PLA 122

Play & Learning Environments
Examine the function, goal and structure of play in early childhood settings. Study an overview of play theories and holistic play-based goals to understand how to intentionally structure indoor and outdoor environments for planned and unplanned play experiences. Gain an introduction to play in ELCC settings by observing, documenting and interpreting behaviours of children in structured play experiences.



Practicum II
The second level of practicum is centered upon gaining independence in the workplace and demonstrating responsible behaviour and actions.

Utilizing the skills learned in the course, you will begin to design and plan activities for the child care program. In addition to continued observation and relationship building, you will create a lesson plan to implement in level 2 of your practicum. Choose activities that support the learning model that is applied in your practicum location.

This lesson plan should include elements of technology and a post-delivery reflection about how the lesson went and what you would change, including feedback you receive from your supervisors. This can also be added to your portfolio to highlight your skills for future employers.


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