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MaKami College Guidelines
MaKami College Guidelines
You, the student, agree that as a classroom community, you will attempt to help fellow classmates enjoy the learning experience. You, the student, will respect the comments made by instructors and classmates during a discussion or discourse and provide commentary to further the conversation in a positive and constructive manner within your comfort to do so. If you, the student, have a disagreement with an individual, it is expected that it is brought to their attention by yourself, as a student, personally at an appropriate time outside of community class involvement.
You, the student, agree to be prepared to bring all classroom materials, charged laptop, textbooks, homework, and practical materials such as linens, uniforms, lotions or any other, as needed, to class. Prepare to contribute to the learning environment in a positive manner.
The expectation is that students will respect the instructor as the classroom learning facilitator. Students will not speak out or hold a personal conversation while the instructor (or a fellow student) is speaking. Understanding the importance of structure in the classroom setting will help the instructor reduce classroom interruptions by reminding others of disruptive behavior.
Assist in reducing learning disturbances by:
Safety is very important to MaKami College Inc. Please notify staff if a safety concern arises. Adhere to the evacuation plan in case of emergency. Classrooms can be used for practical, theory, clinic, tutoring, lunchrooms, etc. Clean up after yourself each time a space is used. When eating lunch in a classroom ensure your garbage is disposed of, the space is wiped up and food is not left behind. Do not intentionally damage property. Do not stand on desks or chairs. If something needs repair, notify staff immediately.
Smoking is prohibited anywhere on campus. Students who wish to smoke will abide by municipal bylaws to not smoke within 10 meters of any window, ventilation system or doorway.
Staff, faculty, and students will not attend classes or curriculum-related functions while under the influence of mind-altering drugs, alcohol, etc. Such actions may result in instant termination and student expulsion. This applies to both prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Class: casual, comfortable, and conservative street clothes or athletic clothes and close-toed shoes
Practicum: Check the expectations with the practicum host
Cellphones are not permitted to be used in class. Internet use must be authorized by an instructor/ teacher. Should a student be caught using a cellphone or abusing internet privileges, the student will be asked to put the device away. If a student is asked multiple times, the instructor may ask the student to leave the class. During exams, electronic devices are not permitted.
Students will not use MaKami College internet privileges, or devices, to search or look at inappropriate websites or content. Anything to do in nature that is sexual, violent, promotes any type of hate crime or discrimination, cyberbullying or deemed inappropriate by MaKami College staff or representatives may result in serious consequences and definite loss of privileges.
Students are responsible for the care for their laptop. Students are issued ONE (1) laptop. If the laptop is damaged or stolen, it is the student responsibility to replace it at their cost.
The use of any technologies for audio recording of lectures or other classroom activities is only permitted with the express authorization of the SALT department and agreed upon by the instructor. Video recording of any other kind is not permitted.
Campus conduct/culture is reflective of an open and accepting environment which allows individuality as well as community. MaKami College recognizes the dignity and worth of every person without discrimination that is contrary to law. As a student of MaKami College, you are considered a representative of MaKami who acknowledges the seriousness of respect and personal worth. An accusation contrary to MaKami College’s view of respect may be deemed necessary to investigate based on the internal guidelines of the College. Just as the College is committed to the dignity and respect of individuals, the College expects that students will in turn respect each other.
Bullying of any kind in person, on social media sites etc. will NOT be tolerated, including slandering or false statements of any kind in person, on social media sites, or in any other form will NOT be tolerated and are considered BULLYING. Students participating in such actions mentioned in this paragraph will be spoken to and, depending on the situation, may even be terminated from the program at the discretion of MaKami College owners and staff without further warning. Legal action may be taken in serious cases.
Discrimination against any classmate on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs does not foster a positive learning environment.
All students are responsible for the care of their own personal belongings. MaKami College Inc. and all staff members will not be held responsible for any missing or damaged items. Anyone caught stealing or damaging property may be dismissed from the program and face criminal charges.
Clear and appropriate boundaries are required and must be communicated and continually reaffirmed throughout the course of the program – whether it be in a classroom or online setting or practicum environment to limit the potential of committing serious acts of professional misconduct. Whether or not a dual relationship is appropriate requires careful scrutiny to assess the risks in an honest way. Students are strongly encouraged to seek supervision or consultation when confronted with dual relationships.
Students continually examine their own boundaries and will make someone aware if they have crossed a boundary intentionally or unintentionally in hopes to foster growth for both parties. Act to ensure that your boundaries are respected by those who you interact with.
Students should currently have no injuries or medical conditions that would prohibit them from participating in the program. Should you sustain any injuries during the program length you will provide medical notes and notify the staff immediately. If a student has been diagnosed with a condition or disease, please notify staff to ensure student safety is assured during the program.
MaKami College is committed to the success of our students, and we recognize the direct correlation between consistent attendance and success within the program. The expectations are that students will attend all team lectures, mandatory classes, clinic, practicums and labs, if applicable.
Should you not be able to attend due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, please call the reception desk and notify them of your absence. It is the responsibility of each student to catch up on any missed lectures, assignments and exams. The SALT (Strategic Academic Learning Team) will support you in making a learning plan, should you require assistance with staying on track academically.
Practical/In person exams hold the expectation that you are representative of an appropriate professional environment and are properly attired and prepared as such – otherwise you are subject to a 25% penalty or denial to attempt the exam.
The Absent/Late Policy applies to examination dates. Further to this, you will receive a 25% penalty to your grade or denial to attempt the exam on that date. Documented medical, legal, or obituary incidences can waive the 25% penalty.
Students may take the opportunity to re-write failed exams (64% or lower) up to 3 times – with no less than 1 week between attempts. Once an exam re-write is passed (65% or greater), the marks are averaged between the original grade and the re-write grade to a minimum of 65%.
You may not re-write an exam once you have obtained a passing mark of 65% or higher.
You cannot write an exam less than 24 hours after a tutoring session through the SSC.
If a student fails all 3 re-write attempts – no further tutoring services will be provided for that exam and a charge of $25 for each additional attempt will be applied.
The opportunity to gain knowledge and proficiency in the program is offered equally to everyone for long term success in your career. While cheating may offer short term gain in the form of a higher documented grade, it does not make you more proficient in your career after you have completed the program. If you are caught cheating, you will be subject to a meeting with SAS/SALT to determine the outcome and consequences of the action.
Students who wish to withdraw from a MaKami College program are required to make an appointment with the SAS (Student Advisory Services) department and SALT (Strategic Academic Learning Team) department, follow instructions on the enrollment contract and provide the college with an intent to withdraw in writing.
Any tuition refunds will be calculated as per the Alberta Enrolment Contract. Should you choose not to notify the college but fall into one or more of the situations below, you will be withdrawn accordingly by MaKami College following the outline listed here:
The institution must use the effective dates described when following guidelines for reporting withdrawals and for refunding tuition.
MaKami College must remain a safe campus for all. MaKami College must monitor and record student attendance. When students are absent, institutions must keep track of those absences. A reasonable excuse for an absence must describe circumstances requiring the student’s absence (e.g., Covid isolation, medical reason, family emergency, etc.). Should you have any questions regarding any of our policies please contact the SAS team to meet with a student advisor.
Students must understand that in a long-term learning environment, disagreements, and conflicts are possible. You, the student, agree to follow the MaKami College conflict solutions steps and report incidents where required. In the event of a conflict. Attempt to resolve all problems at the level closest to the source, with the least possible amount of rumor or hearsay. Any action, which was NOT directly experienced/observed by the complainant, is considered rumor or hearsay, and should a complaint NOT be accompanied by written documentation (specifically who said or did what) it may not be acted upon. We ask you to take the following steps:
Below is the chain of communication students should follow:
The school “chain of communication” as follows:
MEETING IN CONFIDENCE! Staff and Students can meet and receive verbal information provided and kept in confidence.
1. Information Resolution
There may be a meeting to discuss the possibility of an informal resolution. An Informal resolution is an opportunity to meet and come to a conclusion that is acceptable to both parties, and then the matter will be considered resolved.
2. Formal Investigation
A formal investigation may be required if an informal resolution cannot be achieved or may be ordered by the Owner as the nature of the complaint may require a formal investigation. Formal complaints must be in writing and signed by the complainant. The complaint must include the who, what, when, where, and how and the names of any witnesses. The complaint should be specific to the actions in question.
3. Notification & Updates
Within five days of the complaint, staff will respond either verbally or in writing. THERE IS A DAY TO INFORM THE STUDENT/COMPLAINANT OF POSSIBLE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDS OR INVESTIGATION. Therefore, in cases where a student supplies information in confidence to staff, the official shall inform the student that the records submitted in confidence and confidential notes kept by the official or by other staff members may be released to third parties if the matter proceeds.